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- /**
- * Scout - The Amiga System Monitor
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * You must not use this source code to gain profit of any kind!
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * @author Andreas Gelhausen
- * @author Richard Körber <rkoerber@gmx.de>
- */
- #include "system_headers.h"
- static char alcnonalc[] = "<free>";
- static char alcunknown[] = "<allocated>";
- static char alcnotavail[] = "<not available>";
- static ULONG __asm __saveds __interrupt DummyIntFunc( void )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static char * AlcMiscUser(ULONG unit)
- {
- struct Library *MiscBase;
- char * name;
- if(!(MiscBase = OpenResource(MISCNAME))) return(alcnotavail);
- if(!(name = AllocMiscResource(unit,"Scout")))
- FreeMiscResource(unit);
- return(name ? name : alcnonalc);
- }
- static char * AlcCiaAUser(WORD unit)
- {
- struct Library *CiaBase;
- struct Interrupt DummyInt, *intr;
- char * name;
- if(!(CiaBase = OpenResource(CIAANAME))) return(alcnotavail);
- memset(&DummyInt, 0x00, sizeof(struct Interrupt));
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Type = NT_INTERRUPT;
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Pri = -127;
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Name = "« Scout's Dummy Int »";
- DummyInt.is_Code = (void (*)())DummyIntFunc;
- Disable();
- if(!(intr = AddICRVector(CiaBase, unit, &DummyInt))) {
- RemICRVector(CiaBase, unit, &DummyInt);
- Enable();
- return(alcnonalc);
- }
- Enable();
- name = intr->is_Node.ln_Name;
- return(name ? name : alcunknown);
- }
- static char * AlcCiaBUser(WORD unit)
- {
- struct Library *CiaBase;
- struct Interrupt DummyInt, *intr;
- char * name;
- if(!(CiaBase = OpenResource(CIABNAME))) return(alcnotavail);
- memset(&DummyInt, 0x00, sizeof(struct Interrupt));
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Type = NT_INTERRUPT;
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Pri = -127;
- DummyInt.is_Node.ln_Name = "« Scout's Dummy Int »";
- DummyInt.is_Code = (void (*)())DummyIntFunc;
- Disable();
- if(!(intr = AddICRVector(CiaBase, unit, &DummyInt))) {
- RemICRVector(CiaBase, unit, &DummyInt);
- Enable();
- return(alcnonalc);
- }
- Enable();
- name = intr->is_Node.ln_Name;
- return(name ? name : alcunknown);
- }
- void PrintAllocations (char *filename) {
- BPTR handle;
- handle = HandlePrintStart (filename);
- if (handle) {
- if (clientstate) {
- char tmpbuffer[256];
- if (SendDaemon ("Allocations")) {
- while ((sgets (client_socket, tmpbuffer, 256)) \
- && (strcmp (tmpbuffer, CMD_DONE)) \
- && (strcmp (tmpbuffer, CMD_ERROR))) {
- PrintOneLine (handle, tmpbuffer);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (PrintOneLine (handle, "\nCIA A:\n\n")) {
- _sprintf(tmpstr2, "Timer A: %s\nTimer B: %s\n Alarm: %s\n Serial: %s\n Flag: %s",AlcCiaAUser(0),AlcCiaAUser(1),AlcCiaAUser(2),AlcCiaAUser(3),AlcCiaAUser(4));
- PrintOneLine (handle, tmpstr2);
- PrintOneLine (handle, "\n\n\nCIA B:\n\n");
- _sprintf(tmpstr2, "Timer A: %s\nTimer B: %s\n Alarm: %s\n Serial: %s\n Flag: %s",AlcCiaBUser(0),AlcCiaBUser(1),AlcCiaBUser(2),AlcCiaBUser(3),AlcCiaBUser(4));
- PrintOneLine (handle, tmpstr2);
- PrintOneLine (handle, "\n\n\nSerial & Parallel Ports:\n\n");
- _sprintf(tmpstr2, " Serial Port: %s\n Serial Control: %s\n Parallel Port: %s\nParallel Control: %s",AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALBITS),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELBITS));
- PrintOneLine (handle, tmpstr2);
- }
- }
- }
- HandlePrintStop();
- }
- void GetAllocations (void) {
- if (clientstate) {
- char tmpbuffer[256];
- if (SendDaemon ("GetAlcList")) {
- if (sgets (client_socket, tmpbuffer, 256)) {
- MySetContents (alctext1, tmpbuffer);
- if (sgets (client_socket, tmpbuffer, 256)) {
- MySetContents (alctext2, tmpbuffer);
- if (sgets (client_socket, tmpbuffer, 256)) {
- MySetContents (alctext3, tmpbuffer);
- if (sgets (client_socket, tmpbuffer, 256)) {
- strcmp (tmpbuffer, CMD_DONE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- Forbid();
- MySetContents (alctext1, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcCiaAUser(0),AlcCiaAUser(1),AlcCiaAUser(2),AlcCiaAUser(3),AlcCiaAUser(4));
- MySetContents (alctext2, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcCiaBUser(0),AlcCiaBUser(1),AlcCiaBUser(2),AlcCiaBUser(3),AlcCiaBUser(4));
- MySetContents (alctext3, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALBITS),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELBITS));
- Permit();
- }
- }
- void SendAlcList (void) {
- SendClient (ESC "r%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcCiaAUser(0),AlcCiaAUser(1),AlcCiaAUser(2),AlcCiaAUser(3),AlcCiaAUser(4));
- SendClient (ESC "r%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcCiaBUser(0),AlcCiaBUser(1),AlcCiaBUser(2),AlcCiaBUser(3),AlcCiaBUser(4));
- SendClient (ESC "r%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_SERIALBITS),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELPORT),AlcMiscUser(MR_PARALLELBITS));
- }
- char allocations_title[WINDOWTITLELEN];
- static char *AllocationsPages[] = { "CIA","Ports",NULL };
- void AllocationsWindow (BOOL state) {
- if (state) {
- if (WI_Allocations) {
- GetAllocations();
- } else {
- WI_Allocations = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, MyGetWindowTitle (allocations_title, "ALLOCATIONS"),
- MUIA_HelpNode, AllocationsText,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeListID('A','L','L','C'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, RegisterGroup(AllocationsPages),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, HGroup,
- GroupFrameT("CIA A"),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MyLabel2 (ESC "rTimer A:\nTimer B:\nAlarm:\nSerial:\nFlag:"),
- Child, alctext1 = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- GroupFrameT("CIA B"),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MyLabel2 (ESC "rTimer A:\nTimer B:\nAlarm:\nSerial:\nFlag:"),
- Child, alctext2 = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- GroupFrameT("Ports"),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MyLabel2 (ESC "rSerial Port:\nSerial Control:\nParallel Port:\nParallel Control:"),
- Child, alctext3 = MyTextObject(),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- Child, MyVSpace(4),
- #endif
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_AlcUpdate = KeyButtonA (UpdateText,ID_ALCUPDATE),
- Child, BT_AlcPrint = KeyButtonA (PrintText ,ID_ALCPRINT),
- Child, BT_AlcExit = KeyButtonA (ExitText ,ID_ALCEXIT),
- End,
- End, End;
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_ADDMEMBER,WI_Allocations);
- DoMethod (WI_Allocations,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,BT_AlcUpdate,BT_AlcPrint,BT_AlcExit,NULL);
- SetCloseRequest (WI_Allocations,ID_ALCEXIT);
- GetAllocations();
- SetWindowOpen (WI_Allocations,NULL,ID_ALCEXIT);
- }
- } else if ((! state) && (WI_Allocations)) {
- SetWindowClose (WI_Allocations,TRUE);
- // FreeAllocations();
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_REMMEMBER,WI_Allocations);
- MUI_DisposeObject (WI_Allocations);
- WI_Allocations = NULL;
- }
- }